Good Marketing Is Just Like a Bad Habit

Good marketing is like a bad habit

Good Marketing Is Just Like a Bad Habit

You know those bad habits that we acquire. Like robbing chocolate chip cookies during late night TV shows. Or hunch over when we sit down. Or bite our nails.

Before we know it, we let a new behavior creep into our routine. Now we are slaves to bad habit. It is hard to resist. We are tempted. We get that fleeting rush of satisfaction when we do it.

Well, marketing is pretty much the same. Except you can acquire good marketing habits that will really help you. And it won't hurt. Good marketing habits can make you feel really good.

Think about this.

  •  When you introduce yourself, do you have a good habit? Have an easy-to-understand introductory statement, or maybe a snappy 30-second introduction?
  •  When you meet people, do you follow up?  sending them a thank you note for meeting with you? Or maybe you could send them a helpful article (written by you or some other authority).
  •  Do you have good sales habits? Are you in the habit of asking the right questions? Can you automatically lead prospects to do business with you?
  •  Are you in the habit of communicating regularly with prospects and clients? Communication has never been easier with options like newsletters, updates and blogs so easy to publish. Do you keep in touch?
  •  Are you in the habit of writing informative articles, stories, case studies, or helpful tips for your clients? This helps demonstrate your expertise and is a key element in building trust with potential customers. It also gives you great content for your marketing materials and website.
  •  Are your advertising activities a good habit? Do you have a plan to avoid the "feast or famine" cycle? Or do you relegate promoting your service.

Good news

The good news is that, like bad habits, good marketing habits will also give you a wave of positive feelings. You will get hooked on:

  •  The adrenaline of new clients asking for you.
  •  Positive relationships 
  •  The added confidence you will feel when people listen to what you say.
  •  The satisfaction of obtaining results.
  •  The constant knowledge that you are progressing.

It can eliminate your fear of marketing. And acquiring good marketing habits is easy. How to acquire bad habits. Do it little by little. But keep doing it.

Little by little you will develop new behaviors. The results of your marketing efforts will improve. You will feel more secure. You will reinforce good marketing habits.

Follow, continue. Get started. Get into a good marketing habit. You will enjoy it!

Location: United States