Niches: The Way to More Profits

Niches: The Way to More Profits

Niches: The Way to More Profits

Hey, as business owners, we CANNOT be everything to all customers. I mean, it would be great if we could, however you can't satisfy everyone's needs and wants, you yourself would rununeven attempt: or (BUT ... that doesn't mean you raise your hands in despair and give up; o) Stay with me for a few minutes and we will review a some ideas that come to mind and see if they get your creativity going juices flowing.

First of all, what the heck is a "niche" anyway? I mean i'm sure have you seen the word fly on the internet and a lot more lately. You've seen newsletter articles and email letters. from some of the best gurus now "Niche" is emerging as the new "catch" the word of the time.

The term IS NOT NEW. Basically, a "niche" is finding a target market and attending to their specific wants and needs.

Ummm let me give you an example ...

As a marketing consultant / advisor, my company offers a service of "marketing" to companies. Now obviously the business

The sand is too general so what I want to do is divide it into bite-sized sectors or smaller target markets. May want to try specifically to the needs and desires of dental offices and decide specialize in dental office marketing. I could take on the legal sector and specialization in legal marketing practices.

Get where I'm going here?

I can't be everything to all business so I break the business sector to target markets and find the in which I want to specialize and cater to that group specifically.

Now, you may be thinking it's okay, that's good for you as a marketer. coach, but I am an affiliate of a program ... how does "niche marketing "does it affect me? I'm glad you asked; or)

When people first connect with the desire to initiate type of e-commerce that typically fall into the "emarketing" niche and promote products / services with a marketing theme. Does meaning from a marketing point of view, you go where there is demand.

However, with the demand also comes competition and "online The marketing field is saturated and very competitive.

Then what do you do?

Well, what you should do is sit back and think about markets outside of the field of "online marketing" that could also use your products / services and direct your messages specifically to them. Umm, I feel like an example is coming here ... ah, okay, here's one for your.

Let's say you are an affiliate of an autoresponder service. Excellent service because you know that everyone who starts an online business needs an autoresponder. While that's great, what is not so attractive is the fact that you are not the only autoresponderservice in cyber-land and they are also targeting the same niche are. But ... the difference between you and them is this article; or)

See, we all go for the obvious niche or the target market when sign up for an affiliate program. We go after the others like us and market them.  niches or target markets that have not heard of a autoresponder and I have no idea what it is much less time we can save them.

I'm thinking of niches like, oh ... maybe real estate agents. Some friends are looking for a new house on the market. Weekly They receive by mail (postal mail) the new listing sheets for all the houses listed that week.  these sheets and see if any of the houses charge your interest and then they should call their agent and ask to see them.

It was a good system, but imagine how much time and MONEY a real estate agent could save if he had an autoresponder


All they would have to do is create the new ad templates, enter the email address and names of your customer base (including which is automated) and launch the new listings once a week, or more often if they wanted. No more printing costs and shipping costs disappeared and the time factor you saved


See the potential here ???

Are you starting to get the idea of   finding another market? segments (customers) for your products / services?

If you are a member of an autoresponder service, it could promote automatic responses to dental offices. They send appointment reminder cards ... imagine the cost savings for them if they had an autoresponder service, not to mention the time savings of having staff stay tags and post them?

It's just a matter of seeing what they do and how their The service can save you time and money. And the The best part of this thinking is that not many assumethis kind of business posture.

for a second and think of other ways to create Profit through niches. Another thing is to look for your hobbies and interests.

Let's say you dedicate yourself to DJing on weekends like hobby. With that same hobby you could generate profits creating a small niche site geared towards DJing.

The idea of   NICHE Marketing is that NO You can find a niche based on an affiliate program, a hobby or special interest.

Some of the leading marketers have found other niches. What; quit smoking, lose weight, online dating, model trains, travel, golf, and even cooking.

Location: United States