Introverts Can Also Succeed In Marketing, A Few Simple Principles

Introverts Can Also Succeed In Marketing, A Few Simple Principles

Introverts Can Also Succeed In Marketing, A Few Simple Principles

In my experience I have seen many levels of introvert and extrovert. 

  •  Invite me to a party, I prefer a root canal
  •  Get me talking about something I'm passionate about in front of a group of people: glitter.
  •  Put me in a "casual" contact group - root canal, please.

We all have our levels of how we interact, the environments in which we thrive, and the environments in which we feel extremely uncomfortable. I have seen many people starting their own business, myself included, who would rather give up their dream than market their business and themselves. I was almost one of those statistics. I almost gave up my dream until I discovered the secret.

Too many times we focus on the things we cannot do (weakness) versus the things we can do (strength). The most common phrase I've heard is "I don't want to feel like I'm selling." So we have this belief that we are supposed to market from the standard marketing box; cold calling, networking groups, talking, knocking on doors, etc. DO NOT! You don't need to jump straight to the marketing box first. Quit should (s) and can't (s). Get into what you do well and what you enjoy first, then open the door to marketing.

The secret

1. Allow yourself to redefine marketing to suit your style.

Example -1

One participant in the program was very good at her legal profession, but she was very uncomfortable with marketing. I have clients who brainstorm and write down their strengths and passions. She expressed that she had very few on her list. It doesn't matter how many are on her list, as long as you pay attention to what's there. Some people are 30-40, others are 5-10. She chose the top 3 of hers.

From hers to hers, the main passion and strength on her list were personal conversations. Then we started thinking about who could be good strategic alliances for her business. She was delighted that she could not only market from her favorite and most comfortable approach, but also choose her favorite environment, which turned out to be a cozy coffee shop. However, that wasn't all that was holding her back. She had never given herself permission to call one-on-one conversation marketing. Once she redefined marketing to one-on-one conversations, she walked away saying, "I feel like she has lifted a black cloud from my head."

2. Allow yourself to market from her comfort zone.

When she gave herself permission to market from her comfort zone, she began to take more steps naturally. Two weeks later I turned around in my networking group and there she was. She was having fun because she gave herself permission to redefine marketing to suit her passions and strengths AND she allowed herself to market from her comfort zone. I've seen it so many times. Once she gives herself permission to stay in her comfort zone, it is amazing how she will naturally evolve into expanding her marketing. She Gets FUN and Exciting!

Example -2

Look what you already have. Everything you need to market can be right in front of you with your most comfortable group of prospects.

A Life Coach I knew had a horrible fear of marketing, but he really believed in his chosen profession and didn't want to give it up. Through the process described above, most of her fears disappeared. But she still found herself doubting. He had identified his best customer, but that first step of where to start seemed too big. Asking Bob about her previous profession and her contacts, she realized that not only would they make a perfect client, but she knew a large number of people she could reach out to comfortably. Bob did several things.

  • 1) He gave himself permission to redefine marketing to suit his style.
  • 2) You gave yourself permission to market from your comfort zone.
  • 3) You identified a market you came from and were comfortable with.
  • 4) He got so excited about his approach that he's cold calling speaking from passion for his business.

Sometimes we are so close to things that we cannot see them. Look directly in front of you - your perfect customer and ease of approach can be at your fingertips.

Regardless of how you approach your marketing, you can choose how you do it. If necessary, leave the word marketing and insert ____________ (the words that fit YOU).

Location: United States