Content Writing- Write well for the right reasons

Write well for the right reasons

Write well for the right reasons

It seems that I must receive dozens of newsletters and ezines in my email box every day. That does not include, of course, all the internet marketing groups that I belong to that send me a list of all the articles published each day. It seems like thousands of new articles are posted every week just about home business ideas. The sheer volume of written material can be intimidating.

Why are there so many articles out there? Surely most of them are not read, right? I think you would be surprised. The simple truth is that marketers write articles because they work. First, you have worked hard for the knowledge you have. If you could share some pearls of wisdom and help someone, wouldn't you? Not only that, but the more people find your knowledge useful, the more credibility and name recognition it will establish. Second, articles are a way to keep your subscribers in contact with you. The more attractive the subject, the more likely it is that you will revisit the site that originated the material. Third, and probably the most important, is the gunpowder effect that articles have. As you write more original material, more people are likely to publish what you have written. That creates exposure as well as links to your site.

When my business partner and I started writing original articles, we saw our website page rankings skyrocket and the Alexa number went down (which is good). Not only that, we also started to see our names and articles in search engines. Little by little, the keywords that are most relevant to our site are starting to associate with our site (as far as search engines are concerned) and that's never wrong.

I know what you are saying. I can't write and I have nothing to write about. Swill. Even if today is your first day in the field of internet marketing, it brings with it a life full of knowledge. Even if you don't know anything about affiliate programs, pay-per-click advertising, or viral marketing, write about something you do know. What do you know more about than most of the people around you? Rising children? Accounting? Tulips Write about it. You never know who is reading.

You say you can't write. It's fine. Answer these questions: Why would the average reader be interested in your topic? What questions might a person want answered on your topic? What information can you provide that addresses those questions? Where can the reader go to get more information on your topic? What will make the reader think about your topic even after closing the article?

If you don't know where to start, start at and I can almost guarantee that you will find a group that interests you. Not only is your niche represented there, but you will also find general business groups that can be helpful and educational. What I'm saying is that articles are a great way to build exposure for your website, your product, and your presence as an expert in your field. Try writing a few down and very soon you will not only get the hang of it, but you will start to see some amazing results thanks to your efforts.

Almost everyone likes to give their opinion. Give yours to help the next boy / girl and expose to the world what you and your company have to offer.

Wishing you success,

Location: United States